Say Goodbye To Insomnia With Yoga

Many of us have trouble falling asleep, and we frequently wake up in the middle of the night to try to catch up on our sleep. Numerous studies show that more than a third of the global population frequently experience episodes of insomnia, which in simple terms is, trouble falling asleep.

On the surface, this may look harmless but insomnia can lead to many chronic disorders. The good news is that basic yoga practice can assist in controlling your sleep patterns. Yoga doesn’t always have to be a vigorous, heart-pumping physical activity. In reality, the extremely subtle and minute changes your body undergoes during a mild yoga practice at home are some of its most beneficial aspects.

When you are winding down after a long day, it is important to set out a few minutes to get ready for bed by making yourself and your body comfortable. You could always unwind with a restorative meditation practice if you wanted to sit and gather calm before getting out of bed. Open Circle Yoga Studio has compiled this blog article with some easy-to-do yoga poses. Try the easy-to-do but sleep-inducing yoga poses listed below to get into a pattern and help you say goodbye to the day quietly.

1. Standing Forward Bend

Standing with your feet approximately 6 inches apart, bend your arms toward a flat surface, or consider bending your arms and grasping the opposite hand to the other elbow to achieve this pose. This yoga position not only helps to eliminate headaches and insomnia, but it is also highly beneficial for reducing anxiety. You must breathe in deeply and sway slightly from side to side as you complete the Uttanasana. To reduce any strain, if any, your knees must be bent as far as necessary. The tension in the hips and legs will begin to gradually release.

This is one of the easiest and simplest yoga poses that can help you sleep well. This yoga pose became a hit with participants who joined our recent corporate yoga classes in Abu Dhabi.

2. Plow Pose (Halsana)

It is suggested that holding the plow stance for one to five minutes will aid in a quick transition into sleep. All you have to do is lay on your back, softly raise your legs above your head, and then step them forward onto the flat surface. Your hands must either be on the floor or your back for support as you do this. You may give the body new life by changing the blood flow.

3. The cat pose (Marjariasana)

The cat pose is a fantastic stretch for splining the spine. Additionally, it gently massages your digestive system and speeds up digestion, which helps you get a good night’s sleep. Additionally, it improves blood circulation and calms the mind. This is too one of the simplest yoga poses that can help you sleep well. One of our participants loved this pose and yoga for sleep so much that they started yoga classes for employees in Abu Dhabi at our studio.

4. Legs up the wall pose (Viprit Karani)

This easy-to-do-but-powerful stance, done against a wall, amazingly promotes nighttime relaxation and anxiety reduction. For the best results, it is advised to hold the stance for up to five minutes while keeping your eyes closed and, if necessary, use a relaxing eye pillow. When the legs are turned upward, the blood can return to the heart quickly. There is a relaxing element to this yoga stance. And while you perform this pose finish it up with meditation is a guaranteed recipe for good sleep. So get yourself enrolled in a reputed class for yoga and meditation in Abu Dhabi.

5. Corpse Pose

In this position, you must assume the posture of a modest corpse, focusing your attention on your body and your inhalation to help you let go of your cares from the day. You can assist yourself fall asleep calmly by keeping your attention on your thoughts and becoming conscious. This will help you take your mind off the scenario that is causing you worry and anxiety. This pose may seem like all you have to do in it is just lie down. But it has more than that to it. If you are short on time you can get yourself enrolled in an online yoga class in Abu Dhabi with Open Circle Yoga Studio to get the best benefits and sleep well.

6. Supported Reclining Twist

Lay your back flat. Bend both legs in half, then allow them to fall to the side. Place one or two cushions in between your thighs while stacking your knees and hips. Turn your head away from your knees and extend your arms straight out at shoulder height. Relax your jaw and stomach while you close your eyes. Imagine the breath extending into your collarbones and out toward your arms while you concentrate on feeling it flow up in your chest. You can linger for as long as you desire before switching sides.

7. Reclining Butterfly

This pose, which is merely a modification of the fundamental butterfly poses from yoga, can help the body enter the resting state. You must slowly bring your feet together and spread out your knees in a diamond form while lying flat on your back, either on your bed or a mat. The next step is to place one hand on your stomach and the other on your heart. You must take a deep breath while seeing it enter and exit your body. Apart from sleep this pose helps in regulating hormones and helps patients with PCOD get a regular menstrual cycle.

Concluding Lines

Lack of sleep and increased stress can take your life spiraling and out of control. We frequently have trouble going to sleep because we are irritated and apprehensive, and since we couldn’t sleep well, it usually leaves us feeling tense the next day. This is exactly where yoga steps in and helps you in multiple ways. The above-mentioned relaxing yoga poses reduce stress levels, soothe the mind, and release physical tension, making them an efficient and all-natural sleep aid. So do yourself a favor and look for a reputed yoga class in Abu Dhabi near you and start practicing yoga daily.

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