What You Can Learn From Practicing 108 Sun Salutations

Sun salutations are an important part of many yoga classes. The 12 postures, which are linked by inhales and exhales, are frequently used to warm the body. The sequence is known as Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit, which translates to “greeting the sun,” and it is used to warm up the body before yoga classes begin, experienced yogis, use sun salutations to start the day and activate the body. Some yogis do the maximum possible repetitions of sun salutation and call it a complete workout. As versatile and creative yoga practices are equally versatile is the sun salutation.

On average, it is recommended that you perform a minimum of 12 sun salutations at a time in a class or as a solo practice. But depending upon your fitness levels you can increase or decrease the number of repetitions. On rare occasions or special days, however, the flow rate is increased from a few cycles to a whopping 108. This article Open Circle Yoga Studio will help you understand the significance and importance of performing 108 sun salutations.

Why Perform 108 Reps?

In yoga, the number 108 is considered auspicious and appears frequently. Although its interpretation is open, it has been referred to as a “yoga code”, a look at our essence and understanding of self. Breathing techniques (pranayama) are frequently performed 108 times. According to Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, there are 108 sacred points in the body, so even the Japa mala has 108 beads. This is one of the main reasons why sun salutations are performed 108 times on special days and occasions.

In other terms and according to western philosophy 108 totals 9 and many western 3, 6, and 9 are important numbers that help us tune with the frequency of nature. Nikola Tesla was one of the pioneers of this field of philosophy and thinking. However, if we think from a logical perspective performing 108 sun salutations in one flow gives your body a very good workout. But such a daring task should be performed under the guidance of a qualified and certified teacher and at a reputed yoga studio in Abu Dhabi such as Open Circle Yoga Studio only.

Now You Might Be Wondering Why Perform 108 Sun Salutations?

The Answer Is…

Putting on 108 suns Salutations can be used to welcome a seasonal change, such as the fall equinox or summer solstice. The sequence is not limited to seasonal changes; you can gladly accept the difficult and grounding sequence at any time in your life.

This is what makes sequential sun salutations unique: the moves go beyond just a warm-up. They can easily become an entire warming series, assisting in tapping into inner strength and making room for change. When you join an experienced yoga class in Abu Dhabi you get to learn and practice everything in detail.

From head to toe, every organ of your body gets a good workout when you perform sun salutations. That is why if initially, you are unable to perform 108 you can begin by performing just one sun salutation when you join Private yoga classes in Abu Dhabi at Open Circle Yoga Studio.

You Begin To Reflect On Your Weaknesses And Develop Your Strengths

The 108 sequences are designed to put you to the test by acting as a mirror in your mind. You will quickly be forced to confront your misalignments and weaknesses. If you don’t usually like sun salutations, you might start to like them. If you normally enjoy the sequence, you may start to find it difficult. Enter the practice with an open mind and then reflect on your experience. There’s always something new to discover! Being able to understand your weaknesses and strengths and reflect upon them allows you to grow in your life. So if your yoga studio comes up with the 108 sun salutation event then you must at least give it a try and try your best to complete all 108 repetitions.

You Spend Energy And Then Create It Back

It’s not shocking that doing 108 sun salutations will require a lot of energy, but the effort you will put into it will be worthwhile. After finishing the practice, you may feel even more energized than when you started, many of our students have experienced this. 108 sun salutations have a lot to teach us if we take the time to make room for them. They will, in turn, assist awareness in entering our practice, mind, body, and life outside of the mat. To get the best results out of our practice joining a reputed yoga studio and performing this under the guidance of an experienced and certified yoga teacher in Abu Dhabi is a must. At Open Circle Yoga Studio all our yoga teachers are certified by renowned institutes and have a lot of experience in teaching and practicing yoga.

You Discover Deeper Connections with Your Body and the World

Practicing 108 sun salutations reconnects you to your mind, body, breath, and everything in between. As thoughts enter and exit the flow (for example, “How did I get myself into this?”), you usually connect with your mind first. You become more aware of your body as you realize that the repetitive movements necessitate adjusting your alignment. You also connect with your breath cycle, inhaling and exhaling in time. You may even discover that the connection extends beyond the mind, body, and breath and into a higher level of awareness. After performing 108 sun salutations you will simply feel amazing and rejuvenated.

You Find Your Groove and Rhythm

Playing music can help you get into your flow, but simply connecting to your breath ujjayi can be especially helpful here. Practicing sun salutations will help you to find the unifying tempo and rhythm of your breath and body. This rhythm assists you in finding your flow and locating the flow state; a state of complete focus.

Discover the joys of life through yoga by joining one of the best yoga classes in Abu Dhabi and leading a happy, rejuvenating life.

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