7 Signs That You Need To Start Releasing Tension Through Yoga

The human body is incredible. It can not only tolerate intense pain, mend itself, and generate millions of new cells every day, but it can also recognize when a person is in danger. It can identify whether a person is in danger of being overly stressed.

According to a 2017 Gallup study, about 80% of people living in metro areas experience some level of stress. In the study, 44 percent of respondents indicated they are usually stressed, 35 percent said they are occasionally anxious, and only 17 percent claimed they are seldom stressed. Only 4% of those polled said they never felt stress (how lucky for them).

All of that tension presents itself in both bodily and emotional manifestations. Your body’s honesty is its finest quality. While your mind may play tricks on you, your body cannot. You feel hungry when it needs fuel. You become fatigued when your body requires rest, and so on. Similarly, when your body is stressed, it shows the signs of the same too.

Most of us experience stress daily. It can be moderate in some circumstances but excruciating in others, so finding techniques to reduce stress and prevent it from creeping further into your life is critical. Yoga is an perfect way to relieve tension.

Open Circle Yoga Studio, one of the best yoga studios in Abu Dhabi, brings you this article to help you understand the various signs that your body may exhibit when stressed.

1. You Start Getting Distracted

You know those afternoons when you sit down to work but get up every few minutes to do anything other than work? You know how you can’t get comfy in your chair no matter how many cups of lavender tea you prepare, calming melodies you play, or cushions you put behind your lower back? This itchy, distracted, unable to concentrate or sit still sensation is a strong sign that it is time to relieve tension. Close your eyes and the computer and start doing some form of breathing yogic exercise to help you calm down.

Distraction is the most obvious sign that your body wants you to stop all of the mentally and physically strenuous activity and rest. Whenever you find yourself in a distracted position, search for yoga classes in Abu Dhabi and enroll yourself there at least for a few weeks. This will help you get stress-free and healthy.

2. You Start Getting Head Aches

Nothing is more frustrating than having a headache take over your day, causing pain, irritation, and inefficiency. Many of the most common primary headaches (those that aren’t caused by an underlying condition) might be caused by issues with the overactivity of pain-sensitive regions in your brain. When you feel a tension headache coming on, realize that it’s your body’s way of urging you to calm down, even if only for 10–15 minutes.

Taking a small break or a power nap is also a good idea to reduce tension headaches. Alternatively, joining a meditation class in Abu Dhabi can teach your mind to stay calm in the most turbulent times and reduce such tension headaches.

3. You Start Feeling Lethargic

The brain has one of the densest networks of oxygen-carrying blood capillaries in the body, making it very vulnerable to any disruptions in blood flow (ahem, stress). The less oxygen your brain receives, the more tired you will feel and the less eager you will be to do a task. If you’re tired, bored, and disinterested in anything other than the sofa, your body is screaming for oxygen. So, stand up, place your feet on the floor, and concentrate on your breathing. Increasing the amount of oxygen in your brain will help you regain your energy.

When you attend a class in one of the yoga studios in Abu Dhabi then the breathing exercises taught there will help your brain get an oxygen boost for the entire day. Thus, helping you stay energized and stress-free for the entire day.

4. You Experience Creative Block

Your creative juices can stop flowing while you’re working on your great book project, DIYing a new gallery wall, or even assisting your child with their art project. Perhaps it’s because you have a lot on your mind, leaving little space for creativity, or you just can’t seem to get into the project, but your body may be telling you it’s time for a break to help clear the mind clutter and reset. Search for the perfect yoga center in Abu Dhabi near you and join it to reduce all the stress.

5. You Get Anxiety

Anxiety does not have a single symptom, so it might be difficult to identify. Irritability, feeling “on edge,” difficulty focusing, and sleep issues are just a few of the symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but you don’t have to be worried to be anxious. When you feel worried, it’s your body’s way of telling you to calm down. Meditation is a simple, natural way to ease worry and stress at any time and from any location.

6. You Start Forgetting Things

Having difficulty staying on target or recalling information is generally connected with “aging,” but it might be your body’s way of notifying you that it’s overworked. Regular yoga practice can improve memory processing by increasing grey matter density in the brain, which includes areas involved in muscular control and sensory perception such as sight and hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision-making, and self-control.

7. You Get Negative

It might be difficult to see the sun when a bad mood cloud decides to park itself over your head. Pessimism and negative emotions may ruin your day—and even your goals. If you are feeling like the entire world’s troubles are on your shoulders alone, your body may be attempting to give you a self-imposed time out for you to re-adjust your attitude. Take a few moments to get away from the situation and reconnect with your breath. Your view might be much brighter ten minutes later.

Concluding Lines

These are the seven most common signs that your body may be telling you that it is overworked and overburdened. You can also start practicing outdoor yoga at outdoor yoga classes in Abu Dhabi to reduce your stress levels.

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