For many people, cacao is the elixir of life and love. Is your mind full of questions about why cacao is so highly regarded? In this article, we will ponder cacao, the cacao ceremonies, and the benefits of both.

Have you ever wondered how the most popular sweet around the world, “chocolate,” can be useful to you in your healing journey? Yes, “cacao,” the beans from which chocolates are made, can be extremely useful in your healing journey.

Often, in all the hustle of our hectic lives, we end up making armor around ourselves, prohibiting people from entering it and at the same time being unable to see how people are. Cacao allows us to see ourselves and others more clearly and with an open heart. It also helps us open our hearts to reconcile and see things from an alternative perspective; it helps us stay in the present moment, relax our mind and body, dwell in our body, and take our power back. Cacao also helps us connect with what we don’t see but have been feeling and longing for a long time.

At Open Circle Yoga, we hold cacao ceremonies frequently. Some of our ceremonies are held by Sonia, who is a seasoned sound healer, and Nacho, who is a medicine man from South America. Both of them have exuberant experience in hosting cacao ceremonies, and they share the wisdom of their teachers with us in the “Cacao Ceremony”.

Let us see in detail how cacao is the elixir of love and how it helps us in our self-healing journey towards growth.

Cacao Shamanic Ceremony:

For thousands of years, South Americans (the Mayan people) have used cacao in ancient rites. It contains theobromine as an active component, which translates to “Food of the Gods.” So, it stands to reason that cacao was elevated to holy status and consumed in community rites with the Maya Gods.

Working with cacao helps you to grow emotional and spiritual awareness, releasing what no longer serves you, processing energy that may be trapped, leading to a deep change, or directing you in the right way. In recent years, we have regularly held the Cacao Ceremony at Open Circle Yoga Studio, whereas only a select few yoga classes in Abu Dhabi hold the Cacao Ceremony.

You will consume a dosage of cacao prepared with Creole cacao paste, spices, and/or honey during the ritual as an intentional preparation for each phase.

A cacao ceremony is a gentle technique of dealing with awareness; you determine how much to take and how far you want to go in each session. The practice of opening the heart with cacao helps us to let go of the armor we are developing in our bodies and transforms the masks we employ daily, allowing us to harmonize with people and our surroundings, deepening our connection with nature and beyond.

Pure cacao is utilized as a heart-opening medicine to help individuals experience awakening, revelation, and inner healing healthily. Cacao is utilized in a holy medical ceremony to establish intentions, and when ingested, euphoric states are unlocked, bad emotions are removed, and we can connect to ourselves and the love energy in our bodies.

Are Cacao And Chocolate The Same Thing?

The cacao used in a cacao ritual is not the same as the chocolate we consume. Contrary to popular belief, it does not taste like hot chocolate, which may surprise you at first. It is a natural plant medicine, and the cacao beans are what go into the chocolate we know and love-but only 20-30% of the time. Ritual cacao is created by combining powdered cacao beans, water, cacao butter, and a little bit of sugar into a bitter beverage that is naturally high in iron, magnesium, and B-complex vitamins. To experience this healing, join your nearest yoga classes in Abu Dhabi today, but make sure they hold the Cacao ceremony before signing up for a class.

What happens at a cacao ceremony?

Cacao rituals differ depending on the facilitator (or shaman). People commonly gather in a circle to establish goals, pray, sing meaningful music or sound healing together, and then dance ecstatically or share as a group. It’s a pleasant, uplifting event in a welcoming community. The Open Circle Yoga Studio has been regarded as one of the best yoga classes in Abu Dhabi. You can safely enroll in a cacao ceremony with us.

What you might expect to see and feel during a cacao ceremony: • A voyage of oneness, love, and bliss that will awaken your heart. • Healing treatment entails removing impediments, seeing patterns, and following your heart. • Creating a connection with your best self, your strength, and your truth • A spiritual or shamanic trip • A meditation space where you can quiet your mind and connect with your inner wisdom and soul. • The body’s masculine and feminine energies are balanced. • increased creativity

Let Us See The Benefits Of Cacao:

For millennia, raw cacao has been utilized to cure the mental, physical, and spiritual bodies. It is a natural and ancient plant medicine that has a high concentration of vitamins and minerals as well as being a potent antioxidant. Cacao also boosts blood flow to the brain (oxygen and nutrients) and causes the production of feel-good endorphins. It boosts the immune system while also helping to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

Cacao is frequently used to shift your viewpoint, allowing you to notice and remove repetitive patterns or undesirable behaviors, as well as release energetic blocks and things that no longer serve you. Cacao, which is naturally caffeine-rich, provides a rush of energy that helps you focus and boosts your memory. It is also known to be a huge creative enhancer and a promoter of deep inner meditation and relationships.

Some Of The Benefits Of Being A Part Of The Cacao Ceremony Are

Cacao ceremonies are a sort of shamanic healing. Shamanic healing is counted among the oldest holistic healing traditions practiced by indigenous people around the world. These healing ceremonies focus on harmonizing energy in the body to restore health. Unlike other shamanic ceremonies or healing techniques, consuming cacao will not cause you to hallucinate or have an “out-of-body” psychedelic experience. Cacao, on the other hand, is utilized to softly touch your heart and take you on an inner trip deep into your body’s emotional core—our heart (Anahata) chakra.

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