Yoga for Beginners: 10 Essential Poses to Get Started

Yoga means the union of the mind and body. Yoga is essentially a physical form of exercise that involves getting into certain poses that requires both mental and physical toughness. If you are a fitness enthusiast and want to increase the flexibility of your body or want to begin your fitness journey, then starting with yoga is the best thing to do. As in yoga, you can attain physical and mental health at the same time.

Open Circle Yoga is one of the most modern and advanced yoga centers in Abu Dhabi. When you begin your fitness journey, starting with a yoga studio that has expertise in the fitness industry will help you have a great kick start towards your yoga journey.

Let us see the ten basic and easy yoga poses with which you can begin your yoga journey.

1. Tadasana: Mountain Pose

Tada literally means mountain. Tadasana pose means to stand steadily like a mountain. This pose is the most basic and beginning pose of the most standing poses. It may seem that in this pose, only standing is involved, but it isn’t so. You have to firmly stand in a specific way in this pose, keeping your muscles engaged.

To perform tadasana, stand on your feet and keep them firmly grounded. Keep your feet slightly apart and put your entire weight on your feet. Inhale slowly and tighten your thigh and core muscles, then lift your shoulder blades slightly towards your head. Now slowly exhale and lower your shoulder blades. Perform this for a couple of cycles and then ease your body

2. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Tree pose helps with improving the body’s balance and controlling your breath. To begin vriskhasana, stand in tadasana and slowly lift both your hands and join them in the namaskar position above your head. Keep both your forearms straight and touch your ears. Now lift one leg and rest it on the other leg’s upper thigh. Slowly inhale and exhale for around 8–10 breaths and release the asana. Repeat this with the other leg too.

This asana helps in getting focus and clarity of thoughts. If you have just begun, do this asana against a wall and hold the wall while lifting your leg. It is best advised that you perform this asana with somebody’s assistance and not alone. You can try joining the Open Circle yoga studio for beginner classes. The Open Circle Yoga Studio is one of the oldest yoga classes in Abu Dhabi.

3. Trikonasana: Triangle Pose

This pose literally means forming a triangle. In this pose, you form a triangle shape with your body. The triangle pose helps tone muscles in the lower body and improves balance. This pose is a basic pose for many advanced yoga poses.

To begin performing the triangle pose, stand in tadasana and slowly keep your foot at a wide distance. Now keep one-foot perpendicular to the other feet and slowly lower your right hand and place it on the right leg’s feet. A perfect triangle should be formed with your feet and one hand that is stretched above. Engage your abdominal muscles in this pose and slowly inhale and exhale. If you have just begun, do this asana against a wall.

4. Shavasana: The Lying Corpse Pose

As the name suggests, in this pose you have to literally lie down on a floor like a corpse. This pose helps in reducing anxiety and helps in getting relaxed. To begin, lie down on a yoga mat, keeping your hands at 45 degrees and palms facing upwards. Slowly breathe in and breathe out. Try not to think of any unnecessary thoughts while performing this asana. You can start your yoga journey at open circle yoga classes that are ranked amongst the best yoga classes in Abu Dhabi.

5. Balasana: Child Pose

After performing heavy exercises like Surya Namaskar, this pose helps in relaxing the body. Balasana also helps with keeping calm and staying steady. To perform this pose, kneel down and fold your knees while keeping them slightly apart. Slowly exhale and rest your stomach on the ground while keeping your hands stretched out.

6. Bridge Pose (Setubandhasana)

This pose is very beneficial for women who get irregular periods. This pose stretches the front and back of both bodies. This pose is a counter pose to forward bending poses. To perform this pose, lie down on your back and keep your hands parallel to each other, and stretched out in line with your toes. Now slowly lift your hips up while keeping your shoulder blades and head down to the ground. You can learn advanced and beginner’s yoga at the Open Circle Yoga Studio, which is one of the best yoga studios in Abu Dhabi.

7. Urdhv Mukha Shavasana: Upward Facing Dog

This pose gives good stretching for the upper body and chest. This pose is often performed as a combination pose with a downward-facing dog pose. To perform this pose, lie down on a yoga mat and keep your feet close to each other. Keep your arms beside your body and slowly lift your upper body so that your arms get straight. Open Circle yoga studios conduct special batches for private yoga classes in Abu Dhabi.

8. Adho Mukt Shavasana: Downward-Facing Dog

This is a transitional pose. In a downward-facing dog pose, your entire body gets stretched. To perform this pose, lie down slowly on your stomach, keep your hands ahead of your shoulders, and slowly lift your entire body such that your feet and palms are steadily rested on the ground. Your hips should be facing the sky.

9. Virabhadrasana I: Warrior I

This pose stretches hips and thighs. This pose helps build strength and confidence, hence it is named the warrior pose.

To perform this pose, stand in tadasana and slowly lift your right leg and keep it at a wide distance. Now slowly change the direction of your left foot such that it gets at a right angle with the right foot’s heel. Now bend your right leg at the knees and turn your torso towards the right side. Lift both your hands and form a namaskar position.

10. Paschimottasana: Forward Bending Pose

In this pose lie sit down on a yoga mat with your feet stretched out. Now slowly forwards your upper body such that your knees shouldn’t bend. Clasp your fingers and tuck them behind the toes of your feet. This pose helps in relieving constipation and reducing digestive problems.

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