10 Mind-Blowing Facts About Yoga

Maybe you have heard about yoga for the first time and are here to know more about it. Or it could be that you know things about yoga in great detail and are here to further enhance your knowledge. Whatever may be the reason we can always update and upgrade ourselves by gaining more information about a particular topic.

When we talk about yoga it is such an enormous subject with its size equal to a large ocean. About amazing and mind-blowing facts about yoga then there are many facts about it. This article Open Circle Yoga will introduce you to 10 mind-blowing facts about yoga. Read until the end to not miss any of it.

Yoga Is Not Just a Fitness Fad

People often wonder about Crossfit. Zumba. Pilates. Is yoga just another passing fitness fad like others? While yoga is becoming increasingly popular, it is not a fad that will fade away in a few years. Yoga has been practiced for millennia.

Yoga is at least practiced for around thousand years or more. In recent decades the popularity of yoga has become widespread across western countries and it has reached the Middle East too. So, while yoga has become somewhat of a craze, the ancient tradition of yoga is more than just a fitness trend and is here to stay for another millennium to come. So if you were unsure about yoga this is the time you search for yoga classes in Abu Dhabi for ladies and join the classes today.

Shavasana The Corpse Pose Is The Most Important Yoga Pose

People often associate yoga with twisting the body in weird shapes and holding it for a long duration. But you will be amazed to find out that the most important pose in yoga is not a difficult pose where you cannot engage yourself it is rather Shavasana.

Most people think that Shavasana is a pose that they can excuse and give a pass. But if you succeed in engaging in Shavasana you will succeed with your yoga practice. The real beauty of Shavasana lies in having a mind without any clutter and being able to control your thoughts it does not lie in the action of lying down and being still.

When In Doubt Always Breathe

One of the most powerful and important things that you can do with your yoga practice is learn to breathe. You would wonder if everybody breathes but learning to breathe the yoga way is important. Not only does breathing provide us with our life force, but oxygen is also responsible for the elimination of waste and toxins, the delivery of oxygen to the blood and brain, the rejuvenation of our organs, and the reduction of stress, anxiety, and disease. You can even start Private yoga classes in Abu Dhabi at Open Circle Yoga studio to learn the art of breathing.

How You Look In a Certain Yoga Pose Doesn’t Matter

One amazing and interesting fact about yoga is that it doesn’t matter what you look like in your Revolved Half Moon pose or any other yoga pose. Perhaps you can bend in ways that your mind never imagined possible, or perhaps you can’t even touch your toes. It makes no difference. Yoga is for everyone, so how you move into and out of the various postures will vary depending on you and how you feel on any given day. Looks don’t matter with yoga, what matters is how physically and mentally fit you are getting at the end of it. You will find the best yoga teacher in Abu Dhabi at Open Circle Yoga Studio, where you can without fear of judgment begin your yoga practice.

Yoga Is More Than Moving From One Posture To Another

Yoga poses can be powerful, poignant, and beautiful when done thoughtfully and with correct alignment and postures. However, asanas (postures) are only one aspect of yoga. The ultimate contribution of yoga to our well-being is the integration of mind and body into a state of versatile and amplified focus. Some yoga practices, such as Ashtanga Yoga, began as a practice of restraint, respiration, and the rhythm of poses designed to cleanse the system. You can start your yoga practice by searching for the best yoga classes in Abu Dhabi near you.

Yoga Makes You Younger

Yes, you read that right “Yoga makes you younger”. And no it isn’t just a statement made to attract you towards yoga practice. Yoga practice has been linked to the overall well-being of the body.

While aging is associated with high stress and lack of sleep a regular practice of yoga helps in relieving stress and helping you stay younger. Rather than wasting your money on anti-aging creams and serums, it’s the right time to search for the best yoga classes in Abu Dhabi near you and start with yoga practice daily.

Yoga Increases Your Life Span

Yoga practice improves heart health, bone health, and overall well-being. It aids your digestive system and improves your mental health as well. With so many things going around in your body when you fuel your body with positivity and activities that support o much your life span naturally increases as a sweeter side effect. Meditation is one thing that helps with increasing your life span so start looking for meditation classes in Abu Dhabi and join them today to live a longer life.

Lord Shiva Is The First Yogi

Lord Shiva one of the supreme gods of Hinduism is considered the first yogi. It is believed that lord Shiva is the one who sowed the seeds of yoga practice among human civilization. Looking at pictures and statues of Lord Shiva we have many reasons to believe so.

In Yoga Life Is Measured In Breathes and Not Years

When we stop thinking about how many years we have left and instead focus on how many breaths we have left, life takes a turn towards the nose. Every breath becomes significant.

Yogis are breath connoisseurs. They treat it as if it were a fine and rare treasure. They study the science of breathing and try to make it smooth, long, and peaceful. Yoga along with physical exercise is a breathing exercise as well.

Yoga is a 24 X 7 Practice

True yogis practice yoga every day, as yoga is not something you choose it picks you.

You not only practice yoga when you stand on your head; you also practice it when you delete the negative people from your life. So that your mental energy is not entirely absorbed by disliking or making judgments and can be aimed at more lovely and useful things, such as becoming the sparkling person you already are. Start with classes for yoga and meditation in Abu Dhabi and see marvelous improvement in your life.

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